Mika Rottenberg, Untitled Ceiling Projection, 2018 at 120 Fenchurch Street.  Courtesy the artist and Hauser & Wirth. Photo c Nick Turpin

WHAT? Sculpture in the City 12th Edition

WHERE? Throughout the City of London 

WHEN? Now until Spring 2024 

WHY GO? For big named artists on big city sites, and all for free!  What’s not to love about seeing stunning sculptural works of art outdoors as you go about your day?

This 12th Edition of Sculpture in the City is bigger and more ambitious than ever with 18 artists contributing from 10 different countries. 

Names like world renowned Isamu Noguchi and Phyllida Barlow vie with artworks from progressive contemporary names like Argentina-born, Mika Rottenberg, who is lauded for her multi media approach to fusing art with tech.

In amongst the city’s skyscrapers and open air plazas, each and every artwork stands out to grab pedestrians’ attention, none more so than Rottenberg’s fluorescent ceiling in Fenchurch Street, which alludes ironically to smashing the glass ceiling in a playful way!  

IN THE KNOW Artworks, which range from sculptures and collages to floating neon signs, are placed in different key sites annually and transport London’s financial district into an open air art gallery with sponsorship from big name financial companies and top notch art galleries. 

CLICK HERE for a map of what to see and where to find it.