Julia Roberts, Los Angeles, 2018, Alexi Lubomirski
WHAT? The Sittings (2002-2023)
WHERE? Claridge’s ArtSpace, Brook’s Mews, Brook Street, London W1K 4HR
WHEN? Now until 17th May. Free to visit
WHY GO? To meet an image maker. New York based British photographer Alexi Lubomirski is the A-Lister’s number one choice when they sit for a very special portrait.
You’ll recognise his name from those stunning photos of Harry and Meghan’s engagement and wedding which undoubtedly helped propel his name onto the global stage, though he has been snapping celebs for some twenty years, ever since his early days as an assistant to Mario Testino. Lubomirski has worked with luxury brands like Dior and Valentino and with leading fashion mags like Harper’s Bazaar who have helped curate his exhibition.
This luxurious little gallery offers an intimate space to view his portraits of the great and good, names in entertainment and even Royalty; our new King gets pride of place alongside the likes of Julia Roberts, Cate Blanchett, and Brad Pitt.
His work delivers a certain je ne sais quoi that has been compared to legendary names like Richard Avedon and Terry O’Neill.
IN THE KNOW This is the sixth dedicated gallery exhibition. Based inside Claridge’s ArtSpace Cafe, the two are fast becoming a stylish cultural spot.
There’s an accompanying book, The Sittings (2003-2023) by Alexi Lubomirski with all proceeds to be donated to the humanitarian charity Concern Worldwide.