Joe Casely-Hayford,1987 c Kevin Davies
WHAT? The Missing Thread: Untold Stories of Black British Fashion
WHERE? Somerset House, Strand, London WC2R 1LA
WHEN? Now until 7th January 2024
WHY GO? For some soul searching style. Bold, beautiful and black. This timely exhibition (in Black History Month) examines how Britain’s cultural landscape has been shaped by the many uniquely talented black creatives across the board from fashion and art to music and photography.
It reveals how old stereotypes have slowly been shed as the likes of designers such as Ozwald Boateng, Ninivah Khomo and Joe Casely-Hayford have become leading names the world over, and more importantly, it finally recognises collectively how vital their contribution to fashion is.
These are the movers and the shakers, who even if the odds were stacked against them, made an indelible mark on street fashion and nightlife. Just think Grace Jones and you get the picture!
The finale is dedicated to the archives of Joe Casely-Hayford who died in 2019. Finally receiving the recognition he deserves after a lifetime of finely crafted tailoring for big stars like Liam Gallagher, Jarvis Cocker and Bono, Casely-Hayford quietly revolutionised menswear and his legacy lives on through his cult Marylebone flagship store.
IN THE KNOW Want to delve deeper into Black History Month? Check out Tony Warner’s extensive guide to London walks, Black History Walks in London Volume 1, it uncovers historic sites with a connection to African roots in the city, but be prepared for some surprises!