Peace in our Times Scarf ,1938 by Jacqmar on loan from the Paul and Karen Rennie Collection c Jonathan Richards
WHAT? The Fabric of Democracy: Propaganda Textiles from the French Revolution to Brexit
WHERE? The Fashion and Textile Museum, 83 Bermondsey Street, London SE1 3XF
WHEN? Now until 31st March 2024
WHY GO? To feel the force of fabric. From the Bayeux Tapestry to the ‘Got Brexit Done’ tea towel, commemorative stories, maps and even secret codes have appeared on textiles and it’s fascinating to explore just how they have promoted policies, celebrated events or simply fashioned everyday domestic life in this absorbing new exhibition.
Curated by the esteemed writer and broadcaster Amber Butchart whose historical knowledge matches her passion for fashion, it reveals how propaganda is communicated through items as domestic as a handkerchief or as powerful as a flag.
Moral boosting printed textiles played a vital part in Britain’s war effort and much is made of those ‘make do and mend’ days along with poignant endorsements of how cherished the forces were. A pilot’s scarf printed in a Latin logo translating as, ’I shall rise again’, instantly evokes patriotism just as a Japanese naval officer might cherish his battleship printed kimono, both key exhibits on display.
It’s a timely reminder of how a provocative print will always engage and inspire and this deep dive into textiles illustrates just how they have helped shape history.
IN THE KNOW Fancy yourself as a fashion designer? Sign up to one of the many short courses available at the Museum, from Pattern Cutting to Silk Painting. Check the website regularly for workshops or if you feel like throwing a fashionable party, the museum is available to hire for special events with versatile spaces from their cosy workroom to larger fashion studio.