Michael Craig-Martin, Flowers: Iris. Courtesy of the artist and Cristea Roberts Gallery
WHAT? RA Summer Exhibition 2024
WHERE? Royal Academy of Arts, Main Galleries, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London, W1J OBD
WHEN? Now until 18th August
WHY GO To obsess over art. It’s that time of year again when professional artists exhibit alongside enthusiastic amateurs and have their artworks hung in London’s prestigious Royal Academy of Art.
What could be more exciting than to scout through the 1700 or so artworks, matching name to image and wondering whether the budget will stretch to make a purchase?
This 256th Summer Exhibition is filled to the rafters with every conceivable subject from trees to textured abstracts, portraits of pets to paintings of people known and unknown.
The overall theme is ‘space’ and all its connotations and ironically there’s very little space left on any wall for even one more tiny work of art.
Even the floors are filled especially in the architectural section which has been turned into a work in progress with an eclectic mix of sculptural gadgets to explore, all curated to impress upon visitors, the importance of industrial design space to create architecture of merit.
It’s impossible to single out any one artist since the mix is as diverse as ever including big names like Tracy Emin, Anselm Kiefer and Frank Bowling but perhaps the quirkiest exhibit to date is Ron Arad’s miniature tableaux of an empty chamber orchestra with only the instruments left strumming soothing sounds that help navigate the maze that this huge Summer Exhibition is.
IN THE KNOW It all starts in the spacious courtyard where a textile sculpture by Nicola Turner interacts with the celebrated statue of Sir Joshua Reynolds, first president of the RAA.
Made from organic horsehair and wool,’A Meddling Fiend’ eerily evokes the theme of Life and Death. Make of it what you will, but it does rather look like aliens have landed and made their mark on art!