Edgar Degas, Dancer Seen from Behind. c1873 Collection of David Lachenmann
WHAT? Impressionists on Paper: Degas to Toulouse-Lautrec
WHERE? The Royal Academy of Arts, The Gabrielle Jungels-Winkler Galleries, 6 Burlington Gardens, London W1S 3 ET
WHEN? Now until 10th March 2024
WHY GO? For balm to the soul! This intimate little exhibition gives new meaning to the pleasure of taking pen to paper, but what sort of pen and what sort of paper? It serenely explores the gradual refinement of artists' materials as captured by the Impressionists we know and love from Degas, as he diluted oil paints for his beloved dancers, to Seurat as he employed Bold Conte crayon to prep his dotty Bathers.
The Impressionists challenged conventional attitudes to drawing, often working spontaneously ‘en plein air’ which required more portable artists materials and as the show glides effortlessly through the galleries, every beautiful image keeps us guessing; is it crayon, is it charcoal or is it chalk? Whatever it is, the results are as pleasing as any laboured oil painting.
With at least one (or two) images from the big names like Monet and Renoir, the sensitive touch of artists like Mary Cassatt and Berthe Morisot truly capture the essence of this beautiful little show but the star is undoubtedly Degas, who instantaneously created the ‘impression’ of movement with just a few easy strokes.
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