Chantal Joffe, Esme’s 7th birthday, an oil painting that the artist saw as a poignant reminder of her daughters solitude as an only child. Courtesy of the Victoria Miro Gallery, London
WHAT? Finding Family
WHERE? The Foundling Museum, 40 Brunswick Square, London WC1N 1AZ
WHEN? Now until 27th August
WHY GO? For that feel-good factor. Re-shape the way we think of family in this poignant little exhibition that echoes the whole philosophy of the Foundling Museum, which keeps on giving ever since it was founded as a charitable home for children in 1739.
It questions why family is at the heart of society through artworks, photography and poetry past and present and though there are no clear answers, there’s plenty to make us think long and hard about how we feel about our own family and wrap them in a big hug when we get home afterwards!
Framed around four key themes, it suggests that family is what we make of it ourselves, not necessarily through blood ties. It’s all about developing a sense of connection. This small, uplifting exhibition is the perfect antidote to our daily dose of depressing world news.
IN THE KNOW The Foundling Museum’s visionary Tracing Our Tales scheme enables trainees to gain skills to secure employment. Candidates for this award-winning programme have all experienced being in care and many have added their personal insights with creative comments throughout this moving little display.