Dafydd Jones, Burning Boat, Oriel, Oxford, 1984
WHAT? Dafydd Jones, England: The Last Hurrah
WHERE? Centre for British Photography, 49 Jermyn Street, St. James’s, London SW1Y 6LX
WHEN? Now until 28th May. Free to visit
WHY GO? To embody the Eighties. For a satirical look at upper crust society cavorting at May balls, falling out of punts, and generally misbehaving, this mini exhibition represents an elitist moment in time.
Photographer Dafydd Jones was hired by Tina Brown, the erstwhile Editor of Tatler, after winning a photography competition in 1981 and instructed to infiltrate the elite world of Hunt Balls, and Debs parties and record them for her readers to devour every scandalous morsel.
It was the materialistic Eighties of the ‘yuppies’ when anything and everything was possible.
Nowadays, no doubt, many of the debs snapped during their drunken capers feel nothing but remorse. They are now most probably interior designers in Dubai while their decadent badly behaved boyfriends are hedge-fund managers.
Were they being exploited at their most vulnerable? That is debatable. Thankfully these photographs reflect a bygone era as more serious matters have overtaken the posh antics of toffs.
IN THE KNOW Speaking of the exhibition, which coincides with the publication of his book of the same name, Jones recalls, ”I had access to a secret world, not tackled by photographers before, the last hurrah of the upper classes.”
Collectors can splurge on an original photo, knowing all profits from sales at the Gallery go to support its charitable activities and grant programmes.